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Impact Evasion Multirisque

Impact Evasion Multirisque

You have booked an “all-inclusive” sports holiday, travel, accommodation, sports activities?
Secure your getaway with Impact Evasion Multirisque!
  • A cancellation or interruption of stay guarantee,
  • Repatriation assistance throughout the world,
  • A guarantee on your luggage and personal effects
  • Search and rescue costs at sea and in the mountains, without altitude limit, up to €25,000 (actual costs for rescue on marked trails)
Discover our complete guarantees in the document to download!

Assistance benefits



Actual costs

Return of insured family members or two insured companions

Return ticket + taxi costs

Hospitalization presence

Return ticket and €80 per night (max 10 nights)

Accompaniment of children

Return ticket or hostess

Onward travel

Additional transportation costs

Replacement driver

One-way ticket or driver

Extension of hotel stay

€80 per night (max 4 nights)

Early return in the event of hospitalization of a family member of the professional replacement of the person responsible for the care of a disabled minor and/or adult child remaining at home

Return ticket + taxi costs


Additional reimbursement of medical expenses and advance on hospitalization costs abroad.


Zone 2 Europe and Mediterranean countries

€ 75 000 (amounts including tax per person)

Zone 3 worldwide

€152 500

Excess for medical expenses

€ 300 (amounts including tax per person)

Advance on hospitalization costs abroad

Zone 2 Europe and Mediterranean countries

€ 75 000 (amounts including tax per person)

Zone 3 Worldwide

€ 152 500 (amounts including tax per person)


Transportation of bodies

Actual costs

Coffin or urn costs

€2 300 (amounts including tax per person)

Return of insured family members or accompanying person

Return ticket + taxi costs

Early return in the event of death of a family member of the professional replacement of the person responsible for the care of a disabled minor and/or adult child remaining at home

Return ticket + taxi costs

Recognition of body and death formalities

Return ticket and €80 per night (max 2 nights)

Assistance Before the trip

Travel Information


Assistance during the trip

Advance of criminal bail abroad

€15 300 (amounts including tax per person)

Coverage of legal fees abroad

€3 100

Assistance in the event of a disaster at home


Early return

Return ticket + taxi costs

Precautionary measures (in France only)

€ 80

Accommodation (in France only)

€50 per night (max 2 nights)/person

Early return in the event of an attack

Return ticket + taxi costs

Early return in the event of a natural disaster

Return ticket + taxi costs

Search and rescue costs at sea and in the mountains


Search and rescue at sea and in the mountains

€ 25 000

Rescue on marked trails

Real cost

Transmission of urgent messages


Sending medicines

Sending cost

Assistance in the event of theft

loss or destruction of identity documents or means of payment

Cash advance of €2


Health information


After the trip

Assistance with returning home after repatriation



10 hours

Hospital comfort

€ 77



Illness accident or death

According to the conditions of the cancellation fee scale. Maximum €15 000 per person

Excess fee:



Without excess fee

Cancellation for all justified causes

20% (with a minimum of €150 per person)


Theft total or partial destruction loss during transport by a transport company

€ 1 500

Precious items

Limited to 50 % of the amount of the warranty

Excess Fee for baggage damage


Compensation for late baggage delivery

€ 50


Bodily and material damage combined

€4 500 000

including only material damage

€45 000


Pro rata temporis within the limit of €15 000 per person and €45 000 per event



Pre-delivery costs

€100 max/person

Costs resulting from the postponement of the trip

5% of the price of the trip with a maximum of €150/person

Cancellation costs for the trip if it is organized around an exceptional event and limited in time to the duration of the stay which cannot be postponed

Reimbursement of the trip to complete all or part of the organizer's reimbursement


Coverage of the costs of accommodation meals and essential items in the event of an impossible return beyond the initially planned return date

10% maximum of the price of the insured trip per additional night following the 1st night with a maximum of 5 consecutive nights.

Excess fee

the first consecutive night on the return date

General exclusions

  • cancellation caused by a person hospitalized at the time of booking your trip or taking out the contract,
  • illness requiring medical and/or psychotherapeutic psychological treatments (including nervous breakdown) except when it has resulted in hospitalization for more than 4 consecutive days at the time of the cancellation date of your trip,
  • forgetting to vaccinate,
  • accidents resulting from the practice of the following sports: bobsleigh, skeleton, competitive luge, any aerial sport, as well as those resulting from participation or training in matches or competitions,
  • non-presentation, for whatever reason, of documents essential for travel, such as passport, visa, transport tickets, vaccination record, except in the event of theft on the day of departure of the duly declared passport or identity card with the competent authorities,
  • illnesses, accidents which were the subject of a first observation, a relapse, a worsening or hospitalization between the date of purchase of your trip and the date of subscription of this contract,
  • administrative fees, taxes, visa fees and insurance premiums related to the trip,
  • the consequences of an epidemic or pandemic of any contagious infectious disease, including from a new strain, recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) or any competent authority of the country of Domicile or of any Foreign country which should be visited or crossed during the stay. This exclusion does not apply if an epidemic leads to a Serious Illness or the death of an Insured Person, a Family Member, or the person responsible for caring for minors or disabled adults of whom you are the representative. legal guardian or professional substitute,
  • the consequences of quarantine and/or travel restriction measures decided by a competent authority, which could affect the Insured (Insured and/or an insured accompanying person) before or during their stay.
  • the theft of baggage, effects and personal objects left unattended in a public place or stored in premises made available to several people,
  • forgetting, loss (except by a transport company), exchange,
  • theft without a break-in duly noted and reported by an authority (police, gendarmerie, transport company, purser, etc.),
  • theft committed by your staff during the exercise of their duties,
  • accidental damage due to the spillage of liquids, fatty, coloring or corrosive substances contained in your luggage,
  • the confiscation of property by the authorities (customs, police),
  • damage caused by moths and/or rodents as well as by cigarette burns or by a non-incandescent heat source,
  • theft committed in a convertible car and/or station wagon or other vehicle not equipped with a trunk; the guarantee remains acquired on the condition of use of the luggage cover delivered with the vehicle,
  • collections, samples from sales representatives,
  • the theft, loss, forgetting or deterioration of cash, documents, books, passports, identity documents, transport tickets and credit cards,
  • the theft of jewelry when it has not been placed in a locked safe or is not worn,
  • the breakage of fragile objects such as porcelain, glass, ivory, pottery, marble,
  • indirect damage such as depreciation and loss of use,
  • the objects designated below: any prosthesis, equipment of any kind, trailers, valuable documents, paintings, glasses, contact lenses, keys of all kinds (except those of the Home), documents recorded on tapes or films as well as professional equipment, mobile phones, CDs, DVDs, any multimedia equipment (MP3, MP4, PDA, etc.), GPS, musical instruments, food products, lighters, pens , cigarettes, alcohol, objects of art, fishing rods, beauty products, photo film and objects purchased during your trip.
  • damage that you have caused or intentionally provoked as a natural person or as a legal or de facto manager of the company if you are a legal entity,
  • damage resulting from the use of motor vehicles, or any air, maritime or river navigation device, or from the practice of air sports,
  • material damage occurring on any motorized land vehicle or on any air, river or maritime navigation device,
  • damage resulting from hunting,
  • damage resulting from any professional activity,
  • the consequences of any material or bodily injury affecting you as well as your spouse, your ascendants or descendants,
  • immaterial damage except when it is the consequence of material damage